Sunday, October 25, 2009

Wingsuit flying

Another item in my list of hobbies for when I'll be rich.
From Wikipedia: "Wingsuit flying is the sport of flying the human body through the air using a special jumpsuit, called a wingsuit, that shapes the human body into an airfoil which can create lift. The wingsuit creates the airfoil shape with fabric sewn between the legs and under the arms. It is also known by the public as a birdman suit or squirrel suit.

A wingsuit can be flown from any point that provides sufficient altitude to glide through the air, such as skydiving aircraft or BASE jumping exit points.

The wingsuit flier wears parachute equipment designed for skydiving or BASE jumping. The flier will deploy the parachute at a planned altitude and unzip the arm wings, if necessary, so he/she can reach up to the control toggles and fly to a normal parachute landing."

"[The]amount of lift and drag although most wingsuits have a 2 to 1 ratio. This means that for every foot they drop, they go 2 feet forward." Also "glide ratios of 2.5:1 are commonplace" and "A typical skydiver's terminal velocity in belly to earth orientation ranges from 110 to 140 mph (180–225 km/h). A wingsuit can reduce these speeds dramatically. An instantaneous velocity of -25 mph (-40 km/h) has been recorded." Here is not clear what exactly is the maximum speed along the main vector of movement, if it is 40km/h should be reasonable to think that will be developed way to safe landing without parachute. However there are attempts to sort this problem out.

Source: Wikipedia, Video demonstration off, around, and over cliffs in Norway

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